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For Republican voters who want a “true” conservative at the top of the Republican presidential ticket, please understand that you now have 24 hours to your party’s and America’s destiny.

Senator Fred Thompson, as you know, is the sole bearer of the conservative mantle; more specifically, he is strong on national security and defense; for smaller government; and low taxes and reduced federal spending. He is 100% pro-life and family; stridently against illegal immigration; and a proponent of national sovereignty.

Now is the time for you to make a difference on the battlefield, namely, South Carolina. Senator Thompson has the campaign momentum, yet the time is short. You must sieze the initiative now and press the attack. How? Visit , become a “Friend of Fred,” and use the free “Phone for Fred” system and phone list, to call Republicans in South Carolina.

The most recent polls indicate that 41% of the South Carolina Republican voters are either undecided or may change their vote. Senator Thompson is in a position to win this race, but the race will likely be decided by a few hundred votes. Your critical phone calls to South Carolina Republicans on Friday January 18th, can make the difference in determining whether the Republican Party, America’s only hope for the preservation of the nation, will have the one candidate who can unite the party’s three voting pillars, that is, the Reagan Coalition, of fiscal conservatives; national security conservatives; and religious/social conservatives.

Senator Thompson has been campaigning intensely in South Carolina on both the ground, through his 35 city bus tour, holding 5 or more events a day, talking directly to the voters in person, and in local live radio broadcast townhalls; and across the air waves with excellent media advertising, financed by hundreds of small donors.

Now, the Senator needs your timely and vital support. This is the proverbial “crunch time” or “clutch!” Will you, as a committed conservative, “step up” in the “clutch,” to save your country? The future of the Republican Party, and most importantly, America lies in your hands.


  1. I disagree with you, my friend. Thompson is running more on his ‘star power’ than any real leadership experience. I’ve not seen anything in Thompson’s record that gives me any confidence that he will do well as the leader of our nation. All we have is his words and not tangible experience. I don’t believe Thompson will survive South Carolina, and I do hope, when that happens, that you will give your support to Mike Huckabee, who is the real conservative in the race. Thank you for listening.

    Radiant Times

  2. Yes, Fred Thompson’s campaign is really about you and me. Grass roots. We will make or break his candidacy, not a few group of rich people or party or media elites.

  3. By the way, I was saying yes to the “Clutch” writer, not to the “Radiant Times” commentator who supports Huckabee. Huckabee a real conservative? No matter how much he claims to be, his record simply does not back it up. I’m worried Huckabee would turn out to be a combo of Jimmy Carter plus Bill Clinton.

  4. Well written article. Kudos. Regardless of whom you support, I don’t think any rational person could look at Gov. Huckabee’s record and say, “There is a Conservative.” I’ve dont the research myself, and its just not pretty. Don’t believe me? That’s fine. But I would encourage you to research what the newspapers in his own state had to say about him. I would encourage you to research the FACTS behind his tax policies and increases in the size of his AK government. I would encourage you to research the FACTS about his illegal immigration policies and his granting of 1 clemency (many to VIOLENT, repeat offenders) every 4 days in office (average). FACTS don’t lie. Regardless of how many times he lies about the facts, they are still facts, and still damning.

  5. The main point is, Huckabee could never be
    elected in the General Election. Fred is the only Republician that get Elected.
    Huckabee is way out when it comes to being a conservative.

    • D'Lynne Hutchinson
    • Posted January 18, 2008 at 6:33 am
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    • Reply

    Re: Radiant Times
    Fred Thompson does have the credentials to deal with foreign policy and leaders. Please do a little research, and don’t simply listen the the talking heads on TV. As leadership goes, just look at the way he conducts himself. He is the only candidate of either party who has stayed consistant with his message and himself, and has not bent to the ‘experts’ idea of what a campaign or candidate should be like, or the status quo. He has also used his resources to best advantage. Doesn’t that give you an idea of how he would interact with the leaders of other countries and our congress, etc?
    Or, how he would handle fiscal issues? His plans are actually feasible. Example: The Fair Tax. He has the experience (and constitutional knowledge) to know that it would require would require 2/3 of Congress overturning the 16th ammendment, PLUS 3/4 of the states. That would not be a very quick fix. The Flat Tax, however, would be something that could be effective a lot quicker, and, as he said, “a first step in the right direction”.
    Please do a little research.

  6. Thompson’s tanking. Fourth place in every poll, in every state. Sad. He’s really got nothing to show for 8 years in the Senate. Huckabee’s the GOP’s best candidate by far.

  7. Weavbo:
    I did research Huckabee’s record and found it to be very conservative. A governor doesn’t have an illegal immigration policy since it is a federal issue. That makes me question that you have even researched his record like you said. If you look at spending that he had control of, it increased at 1/6th of a percent. That sounds pretty conservative. Also if you compare the tax increases were he actually had some control of and compare it to the tax cuts he passed, he cut more then he rose.
    Please take another look at his record. You might be suppressed as to how conservative it is.

  8. Sad to say, but if Mr. Huckabee is the Republican candidate, I will vote Democrat this time around. Anyone who thinks it a good idea to publicly state that the Constitution should be changed to fit his personal religious beliefs is so far out in the stratosphere that he is not electable by the populace. Why won’t you folks with strong religious beliefs understand that the more you intermingle your religion with govenment, the more likely govenment will dictate your religion one day.

  9. I like Thompson very much, but I’m going with McCain.

    It’s funny. I lived in Tennessee when Thompson was a Senator, and back then he didn’t advertise himself so much as a Conservative then, but as more of a Howard Baker-style moderate. His voting record did turn out to be overall conservative, but so is McCain’s. And on the critical issue of national security experience, McCain’s 30 years in the Navy trumps Thompson’s 30 minutes in “The Hunt for Red October”.

    Fred would indeed be my second choice. But I believe McCain is best for the nation at this critical time. McCain will tell people hard truths. He’ll unify the nation – D’s and R’s and I’s can all be proud to have him as their President. And he’ll best protect the country.

  10. Quiet American,
    The American Conservative Union rates John McCain’s performance last year at 65. Fred Thompson’s performance rated 92. Not even close.

    If you want a conservative, Fred is your man.

    McCain is not. The ratings are based on VOTING RECORDS.

    And you ignore the vast ANYBODY-BUT-MCCAIN part of the party. If McCain or Huckabee heads the ticket, I’ll be voting democrat for the first time in decades.

    Great post, Sheet Anchor.

    I just don’t understand the “I like Fred, but..” comments. Don’t people understand that the primary is when you vote for who they like?

  11. Can I get a show of hands as to who thinks MIke Huckabee is a conservative leader……?

    Oh that’s right, Fred supporters does not do hand shows.

    Mike Huckabee does…….. oh is see he’s raised his hand. I guess he knows Fred is a leader too.

    Mike is not a leader…. he’s a populist.

    Fred is a leader and a lifetime conservative.

    And I did read your blog…. sorry but Mike Huckabee is the Republican Jimmy Carter.

    Please… for those who are undecided or willing to cross over. Please Vote for Fred.

    He has foreign relation experience… Mike Huckabee does not.

    He is a tax cutter…. Mike Huckabee is not.

    He is for a “Tall Fence and a Wide Gate” and Mike Huckabee is for open borders… well he was until last week.

    Fred does not flip-flop and Mike Huckabee does not.

    Fred is for states rights and Mike Huckabee is not…. well that was until statesments several days ago.

    It looks like Mike Huckabee is trying to follow the lead of Fred Thompson.


  12. The funny thing about all of this ” I have so much experience” look back in history people- who was elected was not the person who did the “most public service” what matters is the core of their convictions.
    Where do they stand- what do they believe- the plus side for all of this todayis that we are able to look back and see exactly their positions.
    There is something to be said for anyone that takes a position and stays with it- that shows loyalty,conviction and honor – all of these need to be qualities of a leader.
    Especially the leader of the free world!
    It is true that Mike raised taxes- and yes it was a surplus not a negative – Facts are Facts! however we do have to look back and see why the taxes were raised and how the money was spent- History tells us that Arkansas had some if not the worst roads in the union and their education level was severly lacking- taxes where used to pump these places up and there was a drastic difference- ask any educator from before Clinton through today and they will tell you, also ask any long haul truck driver and they will say as much.
    I do believe Mike is right in a lot of ways- however his desire to ignore Federalism and his blantant disregard for the constitution at times is what nerves me.
    Fred has my endorsement and support.
    I believe his convictions and honesty are what this country needs right now.
    I like Reagan and all- but really – let’s be our own person- Keep the coalition alive- and fight on!
    By the way- why don’t allo f you actually read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and see what it really says- then make up your mind- this is what should define our next leader not polls or positions of old!

  13. Excellent article.

    I’m sorry QuietAmerican, but McCain is not the “straight talker” he tries so hard to make everyone believe. He still denies that the immigration bill they tried to force on us was amnesty when everyone knows it was. If he won’t admit to that, why should I believe everything else he says is straight? I’m sorry, but Fred is the only straight talker in this race. And as Rush Limbaugh said, he’s also the only real conservative in this race.

    Our national security is not just about terrorists. Illegal immigration is an important part of it as well and I don’t trust McCain on that at all.

  14. Thompson was a registered AGENT who worked for LIBYA. Do we want this man as president? No

    Thompson also voted to acquit Clinton during impeachment. Can you spell ” SELL OUT ”

    Thompson opposes the Human Life amendment to the Constitution that the GOP platform has called for since 1980.

    We do not need this PRETENDER. We need Huckabee who actually accomplished some things in government. What has Thompson ever accomplished? How many bills went through the Senate with his name on them? He needs to go back to his front porch and take a nap.

  15. re: “Senator Fred Thompson, as you know, is the sole bearer of the conservative mantle…”

    GWB got elected pretending to be a compassionate conservative.
    Mike actually IS a compassionate conservation.
    Obviously, Huckabee can get elected.

  16. I think part of the problem with the posts here is that the posts do not distinguish between fiscal conservative versus social conservative.

    Fred Thompson is the most fiscal conservative candidate, bar none. His record is very clear on this and he actually understands and accepts supply side Reagan economic principals.

    Huckabee is the most liberal on fiscal issues, and his high net tax increases in AR and his populist message (straight out of a liberal handbook) evidences this clearly. Huckabee is basically a democrat on fiscal policy. The Club for Growth gave Huckabee an “F” as a govenor on taxes, which Huckabee responded by calling it the “club for greed”, something only a liberal would say.

    As far as social policy, Huckabee is conservative on abortion and some other issues, but he acts like a liberal on crime and on immigration.

    In short, Huckabee is a Jimmy Carter southern democrat RINO. Fred is a Reagan conservative. I will never vote for Huckabee. I will stay home and let the democrats have it rather than put a Huckabee RINO in office.

    Thomson on the other hand is conservative on social issues. I would vote for him.

  17. I also think too many people are for Huckabee merely because he is a protosant minister. I am not voting for which religion somebody belongs to. I vote for the cadidate that is a fiscal conservative in the mold of Reagan. Huckabee fails that test miserably.

    Anybody who has honestly looked at Huckabee’s record cannot honestly deny that he is liberal on too many issues.

  18. “John McCain is the only candidate in this year’s presidential contest who possesses the character and qualities that were once (some would say not too long ago) regarded to make a man fit for the office. No one in this race shares his level of experience, his courage, or his sense of honor. In our day, there is no one more qualified or more trustworthy to carry out the duties of President of the United States.

    McCain fights endlessly for the interests of our troops and is the only man that can be trusted not bow to the political trade wind of the day when it comes to winning the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or any other war we may find ourselves in. On these fronts, he has been proven to be consistently right. He is armed not only with foreign and defense policy knowledge and experience, but also the right instinct, a quality that, as some of you know, is nearly impossible to develop based on advice and experience alone. He has been peerless in his fight against earmarks and pork-barrel spending, and he has lived by his word: by any definition, during his 24-year Senate career McCain has requested fewer earmarks than any other currently sitting Senator that has served at least one full term. McCain is pro-life (and always has been) and has consistently fought to seat conservative judicial nominees on the Supreme Court – from Robert Bork to Sam Alito.

    Following his victory in New Hampshire, McCain read perhaps the best line I’ve heard all year: “We are the makers of history, not its victims.” For those of us who cherish the most precious aspects of life and liberty, those words need no further explanation. Very simply, there is no greater patriot in this year’s presidential contest and no man with as keen a perspective on our current social condition.”

    Here’s the link:

    • satiricalobservations
    • Posted January 18, 2008 at 12:26 pm
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    • Reply

    Fred Thompson is the only choice that makes sense for the Republican Party. For a party that is desperately seeking for somebody, anybody to take up the mantle of Reagan. He is a marginally successful actor who has decided to run for President. Well almost run, Thompson would much rather be drafted for the position rather than actively seek it.

    The best thing going for Thompson is his competition. A governor from a liberal intellectually elitist liberal state, who also happens to belong to what many evangelicals believe is a cult. Never elected.

    The Baptist Preacher, well we have seen what happens when a President merely lets God sort out his policy, and Colbert could be his running mate.

    A mayor from a city that is the hotbed of progressive though and liberal thinking? He even supports gay marriage and gun laws! What is conservative about that, no to mention the multiple marriages and mistresses, I though that was why we impeached Bill.

    A decorated military veteran who has been tortured by the enemy, tries to make policy decisions that are based on fairness rather than dogma. Please let the democrats have him.

    Communism didn’t fall because it is a flawed system that collapses under its own weight. It was because of one man, christened by God to lead his new chosen people against the Ruskies.

    Fred Thompson is his holy servant carrying the banner of truth and justice against the new threat to America, rational leaders making sound decisions.

  19. My dear Fredophiles, there comes a time to face facts. How can a man win the general election when he cannot even come close to winning primary elections in his own party? Fred’s behavior in South Carolina is that of a person running for Vice President. If he can knock Mike out of first place, he will thereby benefit John , Mitt and Rudi, and in doing so make himself an attractive potential VP choice for whichever one of them ultimately prevails. He is playing the spoiler, in hopes of getting the VP nod at the convention. I believe that SC voters will see Fred for who he is, and for what he is actually doing, and will move toward Mike Huckabee when they vote tomorrow. At least I hope so.

  20. huckaholic and jan, you people really scare me. No way that Huckabee can ever win the general election, because he will never have the support of the conservatives. Same goes for McCain. People are always saying that we need a smart president; well, Fred Thompson is the smartest guy in every room he walks into.

  21. Much has been written and spoken about “change.” Its clear that the voters are ripe for something different now. This is why Obama is running strong now. But I would suggest that true change will have to come from the bottom up meaning that the voters will have to quit electing politicians who pander for vots and say what ever they think you want to hear. Because my friend that is what is at the root of our problems. We spend money on things we cannot afford but will crucify anyone who suggests otherwise. In order to fix a problem you first have to confront it. While Ron Paul and John McCain should be commended for risking political capital to speak truth, Fred Thompson is the better choice. His campaign to date run without special interest moneys, and he is not pandering for votes. He has said he “will from time to time speak over the heads of Congress directly to the American people” as Regan did in 1981 when he pushed his tax cuts through Congress. Unfortunately this is one of Bush’s greatest failings. In order to confront the difficult decisions that face us we need someone who is willing to tell the truth and risk his political future to get the job done. Fred is the one to do it…..I like things about the other candidates but they will just kick the can down the road some more and we will all pay dearly later on.

  22. Well, Huckaholic; how can a man win the General with such an appalling lack of knowledge on foreign policy as he has demonstrated time and again? Elect such a man in time of war? Are you kidding me?

    I’m doing what I can for Fred, since he’s the only one who ‘get’s it’ on so many issues. Even the huckaholics have nothing to challenge him on except ‘electability’, based on less than 5% of the delegates selected, a series of polls that have proven to be so accurate this year, and the media who has said:

    – Giuliani is the front-runner; Who is this Huckabee?
    – No wait; Huckabee is the front-runner, McCain is dead
    – No wait; NcCain is the front-runner, Romney is dead
    – No wait; Romney’s the front-runner, Thompson is dead

    I’m tired of EVERBODY BUT THE VOTERS having their say. We’ll have a much clearer view of the voters’ thought on it all AFTER Feb. 5th.

  23. It’s too little too late.

    Say hello to President McCain.

    Roger Thornhill,Editor
    The Catskill Commentator

  24. Fred’s experience. One post calls him an actor running for President, but he was a successful prosecutor, then Chief Counsel for the Senate Watergate Committee. Those are heavyweight credentials, but he was still a very young man. Next, he practiced law and fought corruption in the Tennessee government. He brought down the governor of Tennessee who was selling pardons. When Hollywood decided to make a movie about the bravery and tenaciousness of Fred and his client in that case, they asked him to play himself in the movie. He was so impressive (playing himself in a movie inspired by his accomplishments) that he went on to get many parts when the script required someone who exudes leadership qualities. Fred’s leadership and accomplishments in fighting political corruption led to his acting career — not the other way around as one post incorrectly suggests.

    Another post incorrectly suggests that Fred cannot match McCain’s foreign policy experience, but Fred was legal counsel for the Senate Intelligence Committee for several years in the early 1980’s. As a Senator in the 1990’s, he was Chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee that investigated the Clinton Administration’s sale of National Security secrets in return for campaign donations from the Chinese Military Intelligence agency. He also served on the Senate Intelligence Committee and the National Security Working Group. After voluntarily giving up his Senate seat, Fred became a part-time actor, but he was also Chairman of the International Security Advisory Board, a bi-partisan panel that advises the Secretary of State on foreign policy matters. He gave up that position last July when he decided to run for President. So — just in case there are any misconceptions floating around — no other candidate, Republican or Democrat, can match Fred’s experience as a leader on foreign policy issues.

  25. McCain isn’t known as “McShamnesty” for nothing. This evil man fought tooth and claw, in the dark of night, against his own party and conspired with Kennedy and the rest of the Democrats to pass the Amnesty. He was only stopped by the voice of the American people. He voted against Bush’s tax cuts. Remember the Gang of 14 and the Keating 5? This RINO is the worst of the bunch, and that’s saying something when Huck is there!

    Huck is a lying, pandering person. From his reversal on the issue of immigration while he was the best friend of the illegals while in office, to lying about his record on taxes and pardons, to pandering about changing the Constitution and saying whatever he thinks the voters want to hear about the Confederate flag, this dangerous character has to be stopped!

    If you don’t know what “Conservative” means, please look it up. It doesn’t mean “repeat ‘Jesus’ ad infinitum and talk about stopping abortion all the time”. It also doesn’t mean just being pro-Iraq war. Vote for the only conservative, the man who doesn’t spin, lie, or cheat, the man who doesn’t do push polls and doesn’t pretend not to know anything about them. Vote for the next President of the United Stated Fred Thompson!

  26. To all Hillary,
    There is only one American in this race. Vote for Ron Paul.

  27. Since we’re arguing between Thompson, McCain and Huckabee we have to look at illegal immigration!

    This happened last year, not decades ago. McCain chose to go work with Ted Kennedy to architect an amnesty package to allow all illegals to stay here PERMANENTLY! Additionally, they were going to bring in family members which could have increased the number of total illegals to in excess of 50 million. That, “my friends” is a PERMANENT DEMOCRAT MAJORITY in American politics. And, he still is advocation amnesty! But, he just spends most of his time promising to close the border.

    Gov. Huckabee’s position was right in line with McCain’s. Moreover, he wants to charge me out of state tuition (which I paid for my graduate degree in Colorado) but let the children of illegals pay in state tuition. In other words, take about $15,000 of tax payer money (my money) and give it to the person who came here illegally.

    All the tough talk for Huck and McCain on immigration now is just a lie! You can call it pandering, but it is untrue aka. “a lie”.

    Last point. In the last debate McCain said, “I know haow to clsoe the border. I come from a border state that has the most illegal traffic in the country. So, I know how to close the border.” Huh? If you know how to close it, why haven’t you done it? Why is having teh most illegal traffic evidence that you know how to clsoe teh border? Seems like evidence that you don’t know how or you won’t.

    God save the GOP!

  28. The insanity of it all is that the GOP threw its lot with the evangelicals and now that chicken is coming home to roost. Fred could bust a grape in fruit fight.

  29. Charles Turner, your comment, that denies that other candidates are Americans (what does that mean? Are they illegal and should be deported?) confirms that the Ron Paul movement is a cult.

  30. catskillcommentator, see my post above. McCain has a great story, but unfortunately, a terrible personality. He has also stabbed too many people in the back. He will never be president. Count on it. And you really don’t want him to be.

  31. Please vote for Fred Thompson. I don’t think Fred can win the nomination, but I’d like to see him have delegates and clout when he throws his support behind another candidate. He’d also be a good VP to help move legislation through the Senate. All things considered, I don’t think voting for Fred Thompson in South Carolina would be a wasted vote.

  32. To Radiant times: Huckabee is a liar and a fraud. He is not Conservative. He believes that the Constitution is a “living and breathing document” that is mailable and ready to be torn apart.

    Fred is the only true Conservative in this race and believes in Federalism: States rights. If you were true to yourself, you would investigate Huckabee as I did after giving him $200 of my money to support him early on because his web site stated Conservative principles, but CATO and others brought out the truth: Huckabee is a Liberal in Republican Clothing.

    Go to and check out the truth. Even Rush, although he won’t state it, Endorses Fred.

    Fred Thompson is the Republicans only hope to revive the Republican party and the Conservative Principles which has made this country great.

    By the way, how can I get back the money I gave Huckabee? I mean gave under the assumption Huckabee was a Conservative based on what his web site professes, but it really is false pretense.

  33. As a Catholic I cannot vote for Fred Thompson. His pro-life position prevents me from doing so. Our country is presently in the midst of the greatest holocaust in human history…

    I encourage all Christians in South Carolina to vote their faith in “life” and vote for Mike Huckabee.

  34. Rush is correct when he said that Fred is the only conservative in the race. I can’t believe that so many conservatives are ignoring the fact that Hickabee is more liberal on most issues than the other dope from Hope. Any nominee for the GOP other than Fred will lead to a Democrat president this year, and will tear the GOP apart.

  35. James, are you sure about that? Fred has a 100% Pro-Life record. When given the choice, he votes the way you’d want. However, He is also a legal scholar and knows that the 10th amendment applies in this case. He is the first candidate to recognize this publicly. it is the Constituional solution to Roe v. Wade, short of a Amendment. Get a specific Pro-Life amendment passed if you want abortion to be unconstituitonal; otherwise, it’s a state issue.

    Mike Huckabee is dangerously ignorant of the law and foreign affairs; he has shown it repeatedly during the campaign. He and Paul I will NEVER vote for.

  36. QuietAmerican- If you like Thompson, why are you going with McCain? They do not have the same beliefs on social issues. McCain would do well as far as the military goes but his social issues, taxes, immigration, etc are far more liberal. Fred is right there with the Military and the social issues we all need to keep America strong. Please compare the two before you make that very important decision. You can’t undo your choice once they are in office!

  37. James Mary Evans-
    Check Huckabee out a little further before you ask others to vote for a certain belief. You may be surprised at what you find. Fred Thompson is a pro life supporter (100% pro life voting record) and pro life groups support him not Mike Huckabee. We need a candidate that will keep us safe, keep America strong and keep taxes low. Mike Huckabee is not that man. fFed Thompson’s record shows he is.

  38. Roger Thornhill,Editor
    The Catskill Commentator- Have you voted yet? I haven’t. How can it be too late for Fred when each state so far has had a different winner? Are we all done voting now? I don’t think so. I’m sure you wish we were and that McCain won but, sorry guy, it ain’t over! Go Fred. Don’t give up the fight.

  39. Immagine a world where a loose cannon has been elected president. A person that has no sound knowledge of Federal law, foreign policy or concept of the impact of what his policies would produce. A person that shoots randomly from the hip at moving targets without regard for colateral damage when discussing issues vital to national security, political balance and domestic stability. If this is what you want, vote for Huckabee, the exact opposite of Fred Thompson.

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